Popular Unix Programming Tips
Top 10 shell commands you currently use - Part 2
Chip Castle
0 responses
shell, history, unix, commands
Enhance your terminal prompt to show current Ruby version
Stephen Benner
1 response
ruby, shell, terminal, trick
Change Ownership
Alvin Lam
2 responses
command line, unix
Linux: Install most recent version of softwares using apt + ppa
Mariz Melo
1 response
linux, unix, apt
List all process' PPIDs
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, unix, bash
Setup ssh-agent forwarding
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
ssh, unix, git
Advanced features for your Bash Shell
Hélder Vasconcelos
0 responses
shell, cli, linux, unix
Detach running process from current tty
Ali Asad Lotia
0 responses
terminal, unix, remote process
Best way to review rails logs
Todd Willey
0 responses
rails, terminal, logging, unix
Purge all remaining configuration files from removed packages
Romain Vigo Benia
0 responses
shell, unix, dpkg
Better Git Pager
Sean Todd
0 responses
git, terminal, less, unix
bcp - neat file copying on a LAN.
Wesley Hill
0 responses
linux, unix, c, bcp
Search your command history
Niels van Aken
0 responses
shell, grep, ssh, history
Switch to a different Linux user
Gareth Rees
3 responses
linux, unix
Get terminal code of special character.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, unix
Alyssa Pohahau
0 responses
unix, commandline, arpohahau
TCP server in a single line
Greg Osuri
2 responses
shell, unix
Aliasing like a pro
Mikael Brassman
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, macosx
Whitespace is useless!
David Kormushoff
1 response
diff, alias, command line, unix
The oh-so-useful script command
Tony Schneider
0 responses
script, unix, typescript
How to Enabled terminal's color
Stefano Pulze
1 response
color, terminal, linux, unix
scp ssh examples
Igor Leroy
0 responses
unix, leroy