Popular Unix Programming Tips
Safety tips for dangerous commands in bash
Rilke Petrosky (XenoMuta 2.0)
3 responses
bash, linux, unix, shellscript
Simplify resolving Mercurial conflicts
Jude Robinson
0 responses
shell, cli, unix, mercurial
Check if your shell command was successfully executed
Mariz Melo
1 response
shell, terminal, unix, bash
Execute a subset of tests easily using find and xargs
Curtis Miller
0 responses
cucumber, unix, xargs, rspec
Forgot to nohup(1)? Just use disown(1)
Carlo Sciolla
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, pid
Use tig (text-mode interface for git)
Katherine G Pe
2 responses
unix, git, bridgeutopia
Get your name from the Unix passwd(5) database
Dan Croak
0 responses
ruby, unix
Understand local, remote and dynamic SSH tunneling
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
ssh, unix, tunneling
Shell script to upload current folder to server
Artem Sapegin
1 response
shell, unix, mac os x, scripting
Display an image from stdout [ubuntu]
0 responses
command line, linux, unix, qr code
Grabbing Timestamp Data from Logs
Jared Davis
0 responses
r, sed, grep, unix
Easy multi user terminal multiplexing (pair coding)
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
ssh, unix, tmux, wemux
Open files on stdout in Vim
Vincent Driessen
0 responses
shell, vim, command line, unix
tmux and vim don't have to be ugly
João Bernardo
7 responses
terminal, vim, unix, setup
Run a Shell Script for the Duration in Unix
James Martin
0 responses
shell, unix, date, linux
./configure manually when installing with Homebrew
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
osx, unix, homebrew
Search your *nix command history
Kevin Liu
0 responses
cli, linux, unix
Special $ (dollar) shell variables
Benjamin Harris
0 responses
shell, linux, unix, bash
Reading Manpages with Vim
Aaron Peschel
1 response
vim, unix, man
Creating base64 test files
Trevor N. Suarez
0 responses
php, shell, test, unix
Get reliably the absolute path of currently executed script
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Use unix filesystem commands like cp, mv, mkdir, etc. on multiple files and directories.
Mir Nazim
3 responses
cli, unix, commands, filesystem
Easily install different Node versions with node-build
Will McKenzie
0 responses
shell, zsh, node, unix
Do more with less. Use lesspipe.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
zsh, unix, bash, less
TODOs on command line with todo.c
Mariz Melo
2 responses
shell, unix, todo, c