Popular Unix Programming Tips
Sort a list of dates in U.S. expanded form (e.g., Tuesday, August 23, 2016)
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cli, shell, unix, sort
Edit data in pipe with your favorite editor
Sébastien Quioc
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shell, linux, unix
fg programname
william sherif
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terminal, linux, unix
How to find if JVM is 32 or 64 bit
Mauro Barincelli
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linux, unix, java
Combine stdout and file into stream
Nathan Lee
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shell, unix
Daily Unix Commands
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How to search same file with different case
Mauro Barincelli
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shell, linux, unix
Search shell history
Marc Cantwell
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shell, bash, cli, unix
No more slash!
Juan Camilo
0 responses
shell, linux, unix
Copy directory structure without files
0 responses
shell, unix, find, bash
Script to create a file in a non-existing folder
0 responses
script, unix, bash
How to get back to previous directory
Enrique Urzúa
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terminal, unix
Ubuntu shortcuts
Laurent Guilbert
0 responses
Some useful utilities
Zhang Tai
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bash, unix