Popular Unix Programming Tips
Download Whole Site Using WGET
Azri Jamil
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View ip visits to heroku
Neil B
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heroku, unix
Squeeze more out of the tools
Allen Luce
0 responses
unix, awk
Go to the previous git branch
Edgar Suarez
0 responses
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Run a script every n seconds
Koh Choong Yong
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shell, unix
Simple *nix file transfer
Ravi Sarma
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unix, file-transfer
Duplicate (~ "copy") a symlink on Unix
Peter Vandenberk
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Close stuck SSH sessions
Cherif YAYA
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ssh, unix
dos2unix - converta finais de linha em arquivos ascii facilmente
Kemel Zaidan
0 responses
unix, ascii, conversion, encoding
Screen - Using Split Windows
Bernd Plontsch
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unix, screen
Unix Timestamps
Mihail Minkov
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unix, timestamp
How change the date using the CLI
Renaud Wellens
0 responses
cli, unix, date
Disk usage info unix command
Oswaldo Ferreira
0 responses
unix, disk, usage, abed
SSH without decorate IPs
Rafael Gumieri
0 responses
linux, ssh, unix
Boot into the Cron / Monit Environment
Billy Watson
0 responses
bash, unix, cron, monit
One-liner: Destroy all Heroku Postgres Backups
James Martin
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Be polite!
Alexander Edunov
0 responses
alias, command line, unix
Unix file naming conventions
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linux, unix
Careful about the conditional operators in bash
0 responses
bash, unix
Quick & easy switch between GIT branches using `git checkout -`
Michał Lüth
0 responses
unix, git, linux
Parsing JSON from the command line to download random avatars
Matthew Deiters
0 responses
unix, command line, curl, wget
Kristian Lewis Jones
0 responses
unix, dos, line endings
: No such file or directory
Michal Gebauer
0 responses
php, shell, unix, env
Comparing dates
0 responses
dates, unix, compare
Quick convert Win new lines character in a dir
Łukasz Nośko
0 responses
shell, sed, unix