Popular Tmux Programming Tips
Tmux with utf-8
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
1 response
console, vim, tmux
Show load averages in tmux status bar
Michael Robinson
1 response
linux, tmux
Using Tmuxinator with Wemux
Andrew Thal
8 responses
configuration, tmux, yaml, wemux
"Sticky" window in tmux
Dmitry Medvinsky
0 responses
shell, tmux
Pair program anywhere with tmux over SSH tunnel
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
ssh, tmux, remote, tunnel
Split (vertical/horizontal) for terminal windows
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, osx, unix, tmux
CPU temperature segment in tmux powerline
Félix Saparelli
1 response
linux, os x, tmux, powerline
A case against C-a in tmux
3 responses
Tmux Basics
shiva kumar
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, tmux
Tmux : Named sessions with autocomplete
0 responses
shell, zsh, tmux, screen
tmux 1.8 + vim/MacVim: easy OSX clipboard integration
Sharipov Ruslan
0 responses
osx, vim, tmux, macvim
tmux cycle window layouts
Bert Heymans
0 responses
vim, tmux, shortcut
Apply Solarized theme on Putty and Tmux
Andrew Lau
0 responses
tmux, putty
Capslock key as tmux Ctrl-B
Tom, Bom
0 responses
osx, tmux, habit
Lost connection to ssh-agent in tmux
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
shell, mac, os x, tmux
pyenv inside tmux with zsh on a mac
Ali-Akber Saifee
0 responses
zsh, osx, tmux, pyenv
Nice display of your MacBook's battery status in tmux/terminal
Nicolas Goles
0 responses
zsh, terminal, tmux, bash
Change active window name format on tmux
0 responses
config, tmux
Get a list of the available colours for tmux
1 response
bash, tmux
Easy multi user terminal multiplexing (pair coding)
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
ssh, unix, tmux, wemux
Tmux: quicker way to switch panes
Rico Sta. Cruz
0 responses
command line, tmux
tmux and vim don't have to be ugly
João Bernardo
7 responses
terminal, vim, unix, setup
iTerm2 + tmux switch window shortcuts
Dmitriy Rozhkov
1 response
productivity, tmux, iterm2