Popular Shell Programming Tips
Check Jenkins for build status via a shell script
Julian Churchill
2 responses
shell, ci, jenkins, bash
Forward Port 80 to Port 3000
Tim Morgan
1 response
shell, rails, iptables
Change terminal color when SSH from OS-X
eranga bandara
1 response
shell, terminal, osx, ssh
How to check in bash if file size is greater than N
Janos Gyerik
3 responses
shell, find, bash
Solving "Class not found" errors in Laravel 4
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
php, shell, laravel, composer
copy files to clipboard in windows git bash
Jupiter St John
3 responses
shell, clipboard, copy, bash
Checking an SSL certificate for SHA-2 hash algorithm
Simone Carletti
1 response
shell, ssl, openssl, ssl certificates
npm list --depth=0
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
12 responses
shell, nodejs, npm, workflow
Use Curl to Login to a Site with Cookie Sessions
Jason Seney
1 response
shell, web development, curl, networking
Waiting for all background jobs to finish in bash
Björn Andersson
1 response
shell, job control, bash
Get the list of all JVM on your Mac
Paolo Di Tommaso
0 responses
shell, osx, java
Show git branch name in fish shell
2 responses
shell, fish
ZSH / .oh-my-zsh My top tips for daily use
Mark Tooth
10 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, directories
Mac OS X & Oh My ZSH Theme on iTerm2
Catalin Ilinca
16 responses
shell, zsh, mac os x, iterm2
Force ssh and scp to use Password Authentication
Dmitry Ivanov
1 response
shell, ssh, scp
Multi-line Git commit message from CLI
1 response
shell, cli, commit, git
Git status on all repos in folder
Willem van der Jagt
6 responses
shell, .bashrc, bashrc, git
Set/get OSX volume/mute from the command line
Nicholas Robinson-Wall
0 responses
shell, osx, command line, scripting
zsh: Better history searching with arrow keys
Andrew Wong
2 responses
shell, zsh, linux
Take a Photo via adb
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, android, adb, photo
golang: having fun with os.Stdin and shell pipes
Tarcísio Gruppi
3 responses
shell, golang, stdin, go
How to connect to remote mongo database with the mongo cli
Nicola Pietroluongo
0 responses
shell, terminal, cli, mongodb
Multi Thread wget
Filipe Kiss
5 responses
shell, linux, wget, mac os
Let's all take a moment of silence... git pull is dead.
Jupiter St John
11 responses
shell, zsh, git, bash
Extend Git with Custom Commands
Jeff Remer
3 responses
shell, git