Popular Ruby Programming Tips
Rails Quick Tips - Random Records
Matt Polito
12 responses
ruby, rails
Nesting conditions in ActiveRecord
Ernie Miller
0 responses
ruby, activerecord, rails
Try RubyGems 2.0
Michal Papis
7 responses
ruby, rubygems, rvm, gemfile
Using bitmasks to store settings
Emmanuel Turlay
14 responses
ruby, bitmasks
pg_search with eager load on searchable association
0 responses
rails, ruby, pg_search
Render a jsonp response in Rails
Jay Aniceto
2 responses
ruby, rails, jsonp, ajax
Keep your Heroku apps awake with KeepAwake
Robert Pearce
15 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, nodejs
How to generate ActiveRecord insert SQL
Ben Caldwell
0 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord, arel
rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
1 response
ruby, shell, zsh, mac
Serving protected static content using nginx for speed and Rails server for authentication
Samuel Chow
0 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, thin
Postgres Enum Type in Rails 4
Gleb Mazovetskiy
4 responses
ruby, rails, postgres
has_and_belongs_to_many (HABTM) associations in Rails 4
Ben Richardson
0 responses
ruby, rails 4, habtm, association
Ruby String to Boolean
0 responses
ruby, rails
How to transfer data seamlessly between various Ruby on Rails environments and databases
Omar Kamali
2 responses
ruby, rails, heroku, database
Sudoless, brewed rubygems on OS X
Zachary Waldowski
1 response
ruby, gem, mac, sudo
Use before/after callbacks when touch-ing your Rails models
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, rails, cache
Easily change parts of a URI
Eric Allam
0 responses
ruby, url, query, uri
Using Pow with RVM's .ruby-version
Aaron Jensen
3 responses
ruby, rvm, pow
Extract key/value pairs from a hash in ruby using an array of keys.
Mike Kelley
2 responses
ruby, keys, hash, array
Rails: add a route for a test
2 responses
ruby, tdd, rails, controller
Require all files within a directory in Ruby
Andy Kifer
0 responses
ruby, rails
Log to stdout and a file at the same time
Łukasz Korecki
3 responses
ruby, logging, logger, tee
Creating a test rake task with Minitest
Guilherme Burille Moretti
1 response
ruby, test, rake, unit test