Popular Ruby Programming Tips
Detecting Rails migrations before you deploy
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Thank you Ruby 2. You're better than Python.
4 responses
ruby, python
Getting system user or group ids by their names with Ruby
Chun-wei Kuo
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ruby, linux, unix, sysadmin
iTerm2 and Ruby/Rails/Rspec
Vlad Shvedov
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ruby, rails, vim, iterm2
Mischievous of bang operator in ruby
karthik selvakumar
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ruby, rails, programming
Define singleton methods for ruby class members
Matthew Dobson
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ruby, rails, mongodb, define_singleton_method
Separate your worker/clock
Félix Saparelli
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ruby, heroku, meta, scaling
OverAPI.com - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
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jquery, ruby, php, python
RVM for your Ruby projects
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ruby, rails, rubygems, rvm
Generating fake names in Ruby
Rico Sta. Cruz
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ruby, ffaker
Customising your ruby geocoding actions!
Mike Carter
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ruby, rails, railscasts, geocoder
Light 'CMS' with Google Drive gem for Ruby
Tu Hoang
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ruby, rails, gem, update
New version of Ruby gem markdown_helper
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ruby, github, markdown, documentation
Add Capybara selector for your models
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, rails, rspec, capybara
Uninstall all gems
Jorge Dias
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ruby, gems
Ruby retry with limit
Eugeniy Belyaev
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ruby, exception, rescue, retry
Active::Record Logger to STDOUT with pry
Benjamin Knofe
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ruby, rails, pry, active-record
Patrick Helm
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ruby, git
Using Sinatra for larger projects via multiple files
Juan M. Hidalgo
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ruby, sinatra
iOS push notifications in 2 lines of Ruby
Alan deLevie
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ruby, push, ios, parse.com
Make your MiniTest spec sexy as fu**
Łukasz Niemier
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ruby, rails, testing, minitest
Slim templates in Octopress
Bill Watts
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ruby, octopress, slim