Popular Rspec Programming Tips
Setup Rails 4.1, Spring, Rspec, and Guard
Allen Fair
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ruby, rails, guard, spring
Rspec colors and spec_helper
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, colours, rspec
Testing with Auth0 and RSpec in Rails & Ember-CLI
Rob Guilfoyle
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ruby, rails, rspec, ember-cli
ApplicationController methods/helpers from rspec
Cezar Halmagean
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rails, rspec
Testing redis with RSpec
Matjaz Muhic
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ruby, redis, rspec
Running modified specs with git
Alvaro Fernando Lara
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ruby, tests, bash, rspec
Turnip Rake Task
Ryland Herrick
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rake, turnip, rspec, task
Turnip Helper
Ryland Herrick
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ryalnd, rails, helper, turnip
Rspec simple guide
Mario Alberto Chavez
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ruby, rspec
Stub devise authentication in controller specs with multiple scopes
Vlado Cingel
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ruby, rails, devise, rspec
git pre-commit hook - commit if all RSpec tests passed
Matjaz Muhic
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testing, tests, git, rspec
Speed up Selenium
Daniel Pérez Rada
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ruby, selenium, phantomjs, rspec
RSpec Rails helper for cleaning ElasticSearch index
Oto Brglez
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ruby, elasticsearch, rspec
VCR and MiniTest: Automatic cassette management gem
Mike Piccolo
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ruby, rails, testing, spec
Use a rake task to describe your Test::Unit tests
Jeremy Baker
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
Measure Spec Execution Time
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, rspec
Testing a Ruby Singleton
Paul Guelpa
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ruby, test, rspec
Runs rspec tests in subdirectories
Łukasz Korecki
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ruby, tdd, zsh, testing
RSpec stub for certain arguments only
Richard Worrall
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ruby, rails, stubbing, rspec
Taking the FactoryGirl out of FactoryGirl.create
Ben Burton
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ruby, cucumber, factorygirl, rspec
Debugging FactoryGirl factories
Theo Mills
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rails, testing, factory_girl, rspec
Recipe: Using VCR for specs
Josh Teng
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ruby, tdd, api, testing
Turbo Testing with Spring
Job van der Voort
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ruby, rails, cucumber, testing
Webmock for your browser
Olly Smith
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ruby, test, browser, proxy
Show number of examples in rspec
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