Newest Rspec Programming Tips
How to set up RSpec
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ruby, rails, gem, testing
Integration tests vs. Bogus
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ruby, rspec, cucumber, software
Reliable mocks with Bogus
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rails, cucumber, software design, spec
Designing code with RSpec
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rails, cucumber, software design, spec
Stubbing and Mocking with RSpec
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rails, jasmine, rspec, cucumber
Behavior-Driven Integration and Unit Testing
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cucumber, code, screencast, testing
Open latest screenshot in
Pavel Druzyak
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ruby, rspec, capybara, capybara-screenshot
Turbo Testing with Spring
Job van der Voort
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ruby, rails, cucumber, testing
RSpec Test Results in HTML
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ruby, rails, html, rspec
Rspec implicit docstring
Rex Chung
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Rails test suite acting strange - type macthing fails
Titov Andrey
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rails, debug, active_support, dependencies
Show number of examples in rspec
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Guard + Spork on Rails 4 with RSpec and Cucumber
Job van der Voort
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rails, active record, guard, cucumber
RSpec mocha warning with rails
Jens Grassel
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warning, rails, mocha, rspec
Copy and paste from the command line on OS X
Chip Castle
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rspec, osx, mac, clipboard
a bit faster rspec tests
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rspec, observers
Building Gemfile with Multiple Rails versions
David Paluy
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rspec, rails, gemfile, rails4
Show rails test logs in terminal
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rails, terminal, logs, tests
Rails Rspec APIs Testing Notes
Alex Z. Li
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rails, rspec
Turnip Rake Task
Ryland Herrick
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rake, turnip, rspec, task
Rspec - Getting “by” with rspec feature specs
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
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ruby, rails, rspec
Achieving better structure for rspec feature specs through "by" and "and_by" blocks
Stephan Hagemann
0 responses
ruby, testing, rspec, feature specs
Debug your capybara features with Chrome web inspector. Easily!
Alejandro Fernández
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poltergeist, rspec, capybara
Ultimate rspec/capybara database cleaner
Gatis Tomsons
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rails, rspec, capybara