Popular Refactoring Programming Tips
jQuery - a little selector and code refactoring
2 responses
web, refactoring, javascript, selectors
2 nice techniques to refactor Mojolicious controllers
Ivan Fomichev
0 responses
perl, refactoring, mojolicious
Getting Empirical About Complexity in Templates
James Martin
0 responses
ruby, rails, metrics, refactoring
Search all todos and fix requests in repo
Łukasz Niemier
6 responses
refactoring, todo, git, fixme
Three rules when refactoring
0 responses
Clean up your ApplicationController using "controller helpers"
Levente Bagi
0 responses
refactoring, rails
Never optimise before need
David Fowler
1 response
refactoring, deployment, optimization
Learn the collection specific methods
Chris Patuzzo
0 responses
ruby, collections, refactoring, enumerable
Simplify != Obfuscation
Brian Tomlinson
0 responses
refactoring, readability, simplifying
Use default translations
0 responses
ruby, rails, refactoring, i18n
Guard Clause
Miguel Ángel Fernández
0 responses
refactoring, conditional, javascript
Refactoring and UML page
Sebastián Madrigale
0 responses
uml, refactoring, patterns, antipatterns
CSS Selectors..
David Henry
0 responses
css, refactoring
Watch for Technical Debt
Yam Marcovic
0 responses
refactoring, technical debt
When to think about refactoring your code
Zachary Friedman
0 responses
tdd, refactoring
A great way to highlight name changes in your code using Git
Christoffer Niska
0 responses
diff, refactoring, git
Edit multiple files with Vim
0 responses
vim, refactoring
Opportunistic Refactoring
Robert Church
0 responses
Use a thesaurus when naming variables
Phil Wheldon
0 responses
refactoring, variables
Workflows of Refactoring
Álvaro Bautista Pino
0 responses
Use Obsolete attribute when doing major re factor
Phil Wheldon
0 responses
refactoring, .net
Refactoring Static Methods Step-Wise vs Wrapping and Delegating
Eudris Cabrera Rodriguez
0 responses
refactoring, code review
Jon Henderson
1 response
refactoring, persistence
Displaying all 24 tips