Popular Redis Programming Tips
web2py and redis queue
Bruno Cezar Rocha
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python, redis, web2py
Later - A lean Redis-backed event scheduling library for Ruby
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, redis, worker, scheduling
openredis and resque on heroku
Arthur Chang
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heroku, redis, resque, openredis
Redis memory usage
Damian Le Nouaille
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redis, memory
Using UUIDs with Redis Ohm
Arnaud Meuret
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ruby, redis, uuid, ohm
Micromessaging: Connecting Heroku Microservices w/Redis and RabbitMQ
Rudy Jahchan
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ruby, redis, service, rabbitmq
All the bells and whistles for PHP 5.5.x+ development! Vagrant
David Jenkins
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mysql, redis, mongodb, nginx
Raketask for connecting to Redis on Heroku
Lennart Fridén
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ruby, heroku, redis, rake
Erol Fornoles
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redis, javascript, v8
TheCart - Cart implementation in redis (Rubygem)
Elad Meidar
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redis, rubygem, cart, ecommerce
Improve performance of multiple calls to Redis from Rails
Shai Wininger
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ruby, redis, performance
Redis Installation
Abhijeet Sutar
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redis, nosql
Crowdcrafting stack
Daniel Lombraña González
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python, redis, stack, cache
The reasons which prevents me from working with sexy technologies
Cenk Alti
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nodejs, redis, mongodb
Redis Command
Nabil Belakbir
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Start databases, CI systems and more in seconds
Ben Ripkens
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redis, mongodb, jenkins, javascript
Introduction to REDIS NoSQL data store
Miguel Miranda de Mattos
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python, slideshare, redis, nosql
Nest - Object Oriented Keys for Redis
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, redis
MultiThread your message queue with Sidekiq
Tom de Vries
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redis, queue, sidekiq
Redis - Clear old keys
Marcelo Tozzi
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redis, java
Clean Up Redis DB
Zakaria Braksa
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Securing Redis Tip#1
Leonardo Nogueira
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security, redis, tip
another redis monitor by using flask, angular, socket.io
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redis, socket.io, highcharts, angular
Ohm - Object-Hash Mapping for Redis
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, redis