Popular Rails Programming Tips
treating ruby object as javascript object
Yasser Arafa
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Simple way for separate validation from domain model
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Reloading RVM with a trick
Ruurd Pels
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respond_with and respond_to which to use?
Justin Smestad
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rails, render, respond_with, respond_to
How to typecast rails sql data everywhere
sergey kuchmistov
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Rails 4 changes
Bruno A. da Costa
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Using RSpec in Rails generators
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ruby, rails
PSA: Rails Precompilation and CSS image references
James Malley
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css, rails, pre-compilation
Create Rails Project
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rails, beginner
Exploring available methods in `pry` with `ls`
Wojtek Ryrych
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Put that into a var, please....
Dave Gerton
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rails, console tricks
Prevent your rails app from fat model by shadow_form
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ruby, rails
Migrating Rails Application Data from sqlite3 to PostgreSQL
Evgeny Lapin
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Rails Skipping Validations
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excellent read on implementing workers with threads
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rails, threads, workers
Today's favorite
Frans Krojegård
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heroku, config, .env
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Populate paperclip field from url
Thawan Fidelis
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rails, paperclip, from url
Multi-job Ruby gems install
Vlad Shvedov
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ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Open pending Rails migrations in your text editor (Example)
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rails, migrations
If Rails Asset Precompilation is not happening in Heroku
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List Tables to Rails 2.3.*
Wesley Conde
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ruby, activerecord, rails