Popular Rails Programming Tips
No SSL for development env
Dinesh Vasudevan
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rails, development, ssl
One-liner: Destroy all Heroku Postgres Backups
James Martin
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heroku, linux, unix, postgres
Set --no-ri and --no-rdoc as the default for gem commands
Eric Alli
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ruby, rails, ruby gems
heroku db reset
andy gaucho
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Setting up RVM on Ubuntu
Rafael Kiyohiro Une
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ruby, rails, linux, rvm
Specify rails new version
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ruby, rails, note
Push to Heroku from the correct branch
Murphy Randle
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heroku, git, branch
Set each method in a module to a module-method via module_function
Gavin Morrice
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ruby, rails, modules, mixins
AR with native SQL structure
Swapnil Abnave
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tdd, rails, 3.2
6 Ways To Remove Pain From Feature Testing In Ruby On Rails
David Elliott
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ruby, rails, link, testing
Rails testing throwing weird non-application errors?
Corey G
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rails, errors, rspec
Active Record migration types
Jeremy Bertrand
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rails, active record, migration, types
How to Backup your Heroku database to your computer
Richie Khoo
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heroku, backup
Process Information (Rails app)
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, process, admin
"That's a nice web design! Now, about that File Field..."
Dave Gerton
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coffeescript, rails, html, jquery
SwissDB: ActiveRecord for RubyMotion Android
Jon S
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activerecord, sqlite, android, sql
Bringing Your (Encryption) Keys to Multi/Hybrid Clouds
Michael Laccetti
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aws, heroku, vault, security
Implementing Internationalization in an already started Rails project
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rails, ruby, internationalization, i18n
Test development Ruby on Rails apps authentication with remote OAuth2 provider
Barnaby Alter
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jruby, rails, osx, nginx
Reviving stale / zombie resque worker
Wojtek Ryrych
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rails, resque
Rails Básico do Básico
Eduardo Zaghi
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rails, install, basic
Write code in style
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ruby, rails, ruby-style, robocop
Retrieve new object from association, not class
Dave Aronson
0 responses
ruby, rails, test, testing