Popular Rails Programming Tips
Rails API Basic Tutorial
Peeyush Agarwal
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rails, api
Getting a single attribute from an array of associations in Rails
Sebastián González
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rails, simple beautiful things
Parallel Gem Install
David Paluy
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bundler, rails, gem, parallel
Force Heroku to backup database
Jordan Trevino
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rails, heroku, backups, production
Postgres, the Best Tool You're Already Using
Bhavin Javia
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rails, activerecord, postgres
Find Routing info base on uri
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rails, routing, actionview
I18n.l for all your localization needs
Alex Gibson
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ruby, rails
Installing Rake 10.0
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ruby, rails
Access polymorphic_path inside a model in Rails
Marc Anguera Insa
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ruby, rails, hack, routing
Pow: (almost) Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X
Sebastian Komianos
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ruby, rails, os x, rack
Guard your application from invalid parameters
Levente Bagi
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rails, security
Rule to use presence belongs_to association
Andrey Koleshko
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rails, belongs_to, validator
SSL is one line on Rails - Just do it!
Roger Lam
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rails, ssl, ruby on easy
Make sure javascript click can work on nomal link
Leon Guan
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rails, javascript
Postgres/Resque Bug Fix
Adrian Peterson Co
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activerecord, postgres, resque, pg
Superfast Rails app creation with appscrolls
Bhavin Javia
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rails, rbenv
Set Pow http_proxy and https_proxy configuration
Wesley Conde
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ruby, rails, pow
Becareful of Rescues
Matthew Bergman
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ruby, rails
List of Gems in textfile without versions
Ivan Storck
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ruby, rails, gems, rvm
Ruby delegate method and use cases
Blake Lucchesi
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ruby, rails
V8 compilation fails for Rails on Maverick
Dinesh Vasudevan
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rails, gcc, maverick, scons
Testing heroku, it's super easy. A little expensive but is ok.
Julian Andres Cantillo
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python, heroku, cloud, amazon
Deploying Rails application to a VPS
Ivan Kornilov
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rails, nginx, passenger