Popular Rails Programming Tips
Validation conditions on-the-fly
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ruby, rails, activerecord
Simple postgresql sql to generate models from a legacy database
Shairon Toledo
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rails, postgresql
Ruby on Rails with AngularJS: "Argument [...] is not a function, got undefined"
Sebastian Muszyński
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rails, error, angular, angularjs
Use Google Analytics for Rails App Performance Monitoring
Ján Suchal
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rails, monitoring
Rails autoloading for your gem
Stephan Hagemann
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ruby, rails, gems, engines
Better Rails documentation
Mariz Melo
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ruby, rails, docs
converting distance_of_time_in_words to seconds
Kaushik Thirthappa
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ruby, rails, distance_of_time_in_words
Deployment of Discourse to Heroku
Vanja Radovanović
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bash, rails, heroku, deployment
Thoughts on being a professional
Jason Rogers
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ruby, rails, programming, professionalism
A Gemfile that works for Heroku's Cedar stack
Nathan Hopkins
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rails, heroku
Taking a Backup for your MySQL DB and send it via email using Ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, mysql, rails
Nuke ALL your development.log
Ivan Acosta-Rubio
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bash, rails, logs, development.log
Nested Form: Adding fields with pre-defined values
Jim Smith
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jquery, ruby, rails, javascript
How to use both rbenv and rvm with capistrano3
Ivan Kryak
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ruby, rails, rvm, capistrano
Starve. Beautiful and simple feeds.
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rails, app, rss
Find or Initialize objects RoR
Agustin Anfuso
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activerecord, ruby on rail
Use :symbol.gt in ActiveRecord
Davide D'Agostino
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ruby, activerecord, rails
Tus logs no son sólo para debuguear
Elías Matheus
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heroku, logs, logentries
Declarative Authorization Attribute Check
Dustin Hoffman
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ruby, rails, gem, access control
Return has_many association's field as an array
Leon Guan
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ruby, rails, ror
Update a single gem of your Gemfile without dependencies
Johannes Opper
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ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Zeus is here.
Letícia Figueira
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