Popular Rails Programming Tips
Versioning a Rails app with Git and Heroku
Simon Bailey
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shell, rails, heroku, versioning
Simple async files in Rails 3+
Ben Taylor
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rails, iframe, ajax, remotipart
Stub Rails Logger
David Paluy
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rails, logger, stub, rspec
Speeding up cucumber
Paul Elliott
3 responses
rails, cucumber, testing
auto-download all videos of any Event at Confreaks.com
Abhishek Kumar
1 response
ruby, shell, rails, code
Rails two-liner to redirect to url with sorted parameters
Jake Moffatt
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rails, redirect, sort, params
Extra Info for setting up Rails Apps on Ninefold
Ritchie Young
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Minimal working setup Rails 5 API + ActiveAdmin
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rails, activeadmin, ruby, devise
Sending CSV attachments with lines longer than 990
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ruby, rails, csv, email attachments
How to make an AJAX create or delete request to a nested resource in RSpec
Alex Popov
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rails, testing, request, ajax
Create a Game Instance in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
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ruby, rails, game
Rails: Retrieving objects with where not condition
Sebastian Muszyński
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rails, where not, condition
Capistrano 3, show task output (if logger level is info by default)
Ivan Teplyakov
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rails, capistrano
Zeus makes Guard notifications go crazy
Jelle Vandebeeck
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osx, gem, guard, rails
ChronoLogger logging is 1.5x faster than ruby's stdlib Logger
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rails, logger, ruby
Encrypted HTTP “Basic” Auth in #Rails (Digest Auth + Salt)
José Manuel Escudero
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rails, security, authentication, httpdigestauth
Multiple HABTM associations between 2 models in Rails
Ali Ismayilov
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rails, activerecord, models, multiple
ActiveRecord and Mongo associations
Elad Meidar
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mysql, rails, activerecord, mongoid
User interface thinking in Rails
Joe Fiorini
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rails, javascript, client-side, rich ui
Avoid using Callbacks and Observers
Ezequiel Delpero
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rails, active-record, model, callbacks
A list of useful gems for starting a new rails app
4 responses
ruby, rails, gems, basics
Rails 4: Validate that an image to upload is unique
Lucia Escanellas
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rails, carrierwave, validators
Render Markdown inside your Haml files
David Morrow
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rails, haml, markdown