Newest Rails Programming Tips
Ruby on Rails 4 and Stripe
Josh Cavin
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rails, stripe
Cucumber World object
Robson Mendonça
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rails, cucumber, world object
Rails 4 OpenShift Logger Production
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, rails, openshift, rails4
How Rails autoloading works
Dmitry Vorotilin
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ruby, rails, dependencies, autoloading
treating ruby object as javascript object
Yasser Arafa
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javascript, rails
Transfer a Mongolab Heroku DB to your local MongoDB
Raúl Raja
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shell, heroku, mongodb, mongolab
Dump a Mongolab Heroku DB
Raúl Raja
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heroku, mongodb, bash, mongolab
Connect to a Mongolab Heroku DB
Raúl Raja
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heroku, mongodb, bash, mongolab
How to check ActiveRecord Version?
Gourav Tiwari
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rails, activerecord
Specify rails new version
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ruby, rails, note
Legacy database, Single table inheritance and Ruby on Rails
Patrick Strang
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ruby, rails, ror, database
DRY deployment process with Capistrano 3 and Rails 4
Andy Kifer
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ruby, rails, linux, deployment
acts_as_taggable_on tagging in Active Admin with Select2 and remote data
Charles Hoffman
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ruby, rails, tagging, jquery
Validating associated plain Ruby objects
Ian Whitney
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ruby, activerecord, validation
Easily playback audio with Rails: soundmanager-rails 1.0
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ruby, flash, audio, rails
Getting Guard out of interactive mode in Foreman
Arthur Chang
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ruby, rails, gems
Asset Pipeline helpers
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rails, beginner, helpers, asset-pipeline
Heroku + Rails + Bower
Anthony Smith
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heroku, rails, bower
Debug Capybara feature spec failures with build artifacts
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rails, testing, rspec, capybara
OR queries with arrays as arguments in Rails 4
Rafał Cieślak
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rails, activerecord, sql, arel
pgAdmin3 add sound
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rails, postgres, ubuntu, postgresql
Upgrading your RoR environment for OS X Mavericks
Johnny Rodgers
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rails, os x, upgrading
Setting Ruby Version in Capistrano 3
Craig McNamara
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
"try" method - do you need it?
David Hrachový
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ruby, rails, try, refactor
Open gem source using bundler
Andrew Volozhanin
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ruby, rails