Popular Rails 4 Programming Tips
Rails 4: How to partials & AJAX, dead easy
Sebastián González
27 responses
rails, ajax, partials, rails 4
Rails 4 & the PostgreSQL Array data type
Stuart Liston
11 responses
active record, postgres, array, postgresql
Only precompile assets when necessary (Rails 4, Capistrano 3)
Andrew Thal
10 responses
ruby, rails, assets, capistrano
Handling has_and_belongs_to_many checkboxes with Rails 4 strong_parameters
Wilbur Suero
6 responses
rails, rails 4, habtm
has_and_belongs_to_many (HABTM) associations in Rails 4
Ben Richardson
0 responses
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Setting Rails 4 HTTP Errors in JSON response
Luiz Henrique Almeida da Silva
1 response
http, response, rails 4
Guard + Spork on Rails 4 with RSpec and Cucumber
Job van der Voort
7 responses
rails, active record, guard, cucumber
Finding Routes in Rails 4
Sıtkı Bağdat
0 responses
rails, routes, rails 4, sextant
Make Font Awesome from twitter-bootstrap-rails work with Rails 4
Michel Billard
2 responses
fontawesome, rails 4, twitter-bootstrap-rails
Rails 4 - How to use method_missing and action_missing as allies
Camilo Zambrano
0 responses
ruby, dynamic, methods, method
Using Pry with Rails 4 (with console helpers)
4 responses
ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
A Custom Rails FormBuilder for Twitter Bootstrap 3
Gavin Morrice
3 responses
rails, forms, twitter bootstrap, rails 4
Rails 4 imageable for multiple models
Troy Martin
0 responses
rails 4, imageable, image model, upload images
Rails 4 associations and #to_sql
Russell Norris
2 responses
activerecord, associations, rails4, rails 4
Running a Rake task during a Rails 4 deployment using Capistrano 3
Saul Costa
0 responses
rails, capistrano, rake, deploy
Get rid of the Mongoid translation missing errors (Mongoid 4.0 & Rails 4.0)
Pablo Torrecilla
3 responses
ruby, rails, mongoid, i18n
Rails 4 Scopes and as_json response
3 responses
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Codeschool rails 4 zombie outlaws free videos download
Milan Roy
0 responses
ruby, rails, codeschool, rails 4
Devise v3 Error Messages! Bootstrap 3 style
Ernest Addae
0 responses
ruby, bootstrap, devise, rails 4
Blank Facebook Canvas With Rails
4 responses
rails, puma, ssl, iframe
Custom flash helper in rails4
Milan Roy
0 responses
flash, bootstrap, foundation, rails 4
Manual Polymorphic Creation in Rails
Daniel P. Clark
0 responses
ruby, rails, manually, manual
Use pry as your default Rails 4 console in one line
0 responses
ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
Using multiple layouts with Rails assets pipeline
Pablo Torrecilla
0 responses
rails, rails 4, assets. layouts
Sıtkı Bağdat
0 responses
rails, rails 4