Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Creating Generic OctoPress Headers
Jeremy Morgan
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ruby, octopress, jekyll
Use Rubocop in any Ruby project without installing it
Guillaume Hain
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ruby, alias, rvm, bash
Thomas Riboulet
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ruby, loadbalancing, hipache
Journey of a `ruby library` to `rubygems.org`
Swapnil Abnave
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ruby, gems, create
Enabling Rake/Capistrano task tracing from within Ruby
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A foundation5 split button helper for ruby
Moisés Viloria
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Playing with tagged items order in nanoc
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IRB with syntax highlighting and much more. Pry it out!
Jeroen Rosenberg
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ruby, rails, irb
begin/rescue/retry tool
Endel Dreyer
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ruby, http, retry
Rebase a rails project after long time running
Leon Guan
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ruby, rails, project
Using Pypi XML-RPC API with Ruby
Xavier Dumesnil
1 response
ruby, api, pypi, xml-rpc
Uninstall all installed gems
Felipe Elias Philipp
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ruby, rubygems, gems
Sublime Text 3 is now available for everyone to try
Nicholas Jordon
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ruby, php, python, shell
install rmagick on osx with homebrew
Brian Samson
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emacs - convert hashrockets helper
Mr Rogers
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ruby, emacs
Rails Layouts and Inheritance
Bryan Mikaelian
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ruby, rails, controllers
Make your RSpec codes HALF. Introduction of RSpecZ extending RSpec for reviewers and developers.
0 responses
ruby, rspec, rails, gem
Drag and drop feature WatirWebdriver
Gourav Tiwari
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ruby, webdriver, watir
Don't write more test code than you need
Brian Riley
1 response
ruby, tdd, rspec
get gravatar image with options using ruby simple function
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, rails, gravatar
Set up Rails dev env in OS 10.8 Mountain Lion
Bruno Valentino
2 responses
ruby, rails, os x, rvm
ActiveAdmin: Define overwritable resource inside an engine
Jim Smith
0 responses
ruby, rails, activeadmin