Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Vendor your gems
2 responses
ruby, bundler, gems, rvm
A Thanks for following me twitter bot using ruby
Emad Elsaid
2 responses
ruby, rails, twitter, bot
fast comparison
Thomas Riboulet
1 response
A mini web server in ruby
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
ruby, web server, webdev, ruby web
Wrap selection with #{ruby interpolation}
Adam Jahnke
0 responses
ruby, vim
Bundler Require
0 responses
ruby, bundle
minitest vs rspec
Shinichi Maeshima
0 responses
ruby, test
Use Types in Rails for custom model validations
Alex Frank
0 responses
ruby, rails, custom validations without model
Check web pages status with em-synchrony crawler
Anatoli Makarevich
0 responses
ruby, em-synchrony, crowling
Easy way to change TextMate Ruby version
0 responses
ruby, rvm, textmate
One-line ruby weighted shuffle
Emmanuel Bourgerie
0 responses
ruby, random, shuffle
Doing some image manipulation in Ruby?
Jeffrey Matthias
2 responses
ruby, imagemagick, rmagick, minimagick
Trifle: GeoIP-Redis
Cristiano Betta
0 responses
ruby, redis, geoip
Build Ruby w/ GCC
eddie cianci
0 responses
ruby, gcc, rbenv, ruby-build
RubyMotion Form cheatcode
Abhishek Nalwaya
0 responses
ruby, rubymotion
Be careful with params.merge()
Sven Pachnit
0 responses
ruby, security, rails
Fix OpenSSL errors when installing Ruby gems in OSX 10.11 El Capitan
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
ruby, mac, openssl
Using paperclip with mongomapper
Sylvain Niles
0 responses
ruby, rails, gems, mongomapper
Paperclip amazon s3 serve html files.
Alexandr Korsak
0 responses
ruby, rails, s3, paperclip
Pry - An IRb Alternative
Natansh Verma
0 responses
ruby, irb, interactive, pry
Rails migration VERSION fetcher
Ben Simpson
4 responses
rails, migration, rake, version
Use Rubocop in any Ruby project without installing it
Guillaume Hain
0 responses
ruby, alias, rvm, bash
Humanize currency
Gus Bonfant
0 responses
ruby, rails, views, floats
Browse your current repo on github.com
Thomas Drevon
2 responses
ruby, git, github
Creating Generic OctoPress Headers
Jeremy Morgan
0 responses
ruby, octopress, jekyll