Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Numbered List Ruby One-Liner
Mike Manewitz
2 responses
ruby, alias, shortcut, list
Silence VCR Macro Deprecation Warning
Stuart Liston
0 responses
ruby, gem, vcr, deprecation warning
Sprockets manifest issues (when jumping between Rails 4/5)
Mr Rogers
0 responses
sprockets, rails, ruby
Class and Module can not be of same name
1 response
ruby, rashmi14yadav, module, class
Getting Paperclip to work on your local machine
Tu Hoang
0 responses
ruby, localhost, rails, paperclip
find unused cucumber steps definitions
bruno coelho
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ruby, rails, test, cucumber
Khronos - Simple HTTP-based Job scheduling for the cloud
Endel Dreyer
0 responses
ruby, rails, open source, cron
The fuck you of the Ruby/Python worlds
Félix Saparelli
8 responses
ruby, python, zed, fuck-you
Teaching ActiveSupport proper capitalisation
James Conroy-Finn
0 responses
ruby, rails
Install rbenv on Mac OS X
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ruby, macosx, brew, rbenv
Ramon Roche
0 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, pry
My typical dev env - checklist
Robert Pataki
2 responses
ruby, bundler, xcode, osx
Don't try to use Mongoid 3.0 on Ruby 1.9.2
Steven Shingler
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ruby, mongodb, mongoid, mongo
Extending Ruby with C - a taste of
Tony Fabeen
1 response
ruby, c
Nokogiri on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
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ruby, rails, mac, nokogiri
Access to JSON fields with Ruby
Pedro Tavares
0 responses
ruby, json
Cut through the role spaghetti
Mike Fiedler
0 responses
ruby, chef, knife
adding a link_to helper to an id in the same page
0 responses
ruby, rails, on
Getting weather of any city with Ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, yml, rails, json
cocoon gem quirk
3 responses
ruby, rails, gem, simple_form
Achieving better structure for rspec feature specs through "by" and "and_by" blocks
Stephan Hagemann
0 responses
ruby, testing, rspec, feature specs
Detecting Rails migrations before you deploy
0 responses
ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy