Popular R Uby Programming Tips
Asynchronous Ruby calculator with Goliath and Grape
Oto Brglez
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ruby, rest, api
Build mruby for android
Serg Podtynnyi
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ruby, android, arm, mruby
Creating a foreman role for Rubber
Gabriel Cebrian
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ruby, rails, heroku, ec2
Using MapBox with RubyMotion and CocoaPods
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ruby, cocoapods, rakefile, helmwind
Shutdown all running Vagrant boxes
Ryan Sonnek
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ruby, unix, vagrant
Open-source Cloud Platform (*coming soon)
Kishorekumar Neelamegam
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ruby, scala, chef, knife
Redirect after sign_up (no sign_in) with Devise
Patricio Bruna
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ruby, rails, devise
Manage your PATH with a Ruby script, using a single line of Bash
Stephen Benner
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ruby, shell, config, script
HMT associations with acl9
Enrique Vidal
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ruby, rails, acl9
Project Euler Problem 4 最大回文数问题
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ruby, projecteuler
Clear varnish cache with capistrano
Victor Ortiz
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ruby, varnish, capistrano
Deploy your apps in style
Gerhard Lazu
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ruby, git, bash
Avoid nil:NilClass error message
Tu Hoang
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ruby, rails, nil, undefined method
RubyMotion & Interface Builder
Ray Hightower
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ruby, xcode, interface builder, objective-c
redirect_to, array and the splat operator
Rafael Oliveira
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ruby, rails
Create Dynamic Bookmarklets with Ruby
David Morrow
1 response
ruby, bookmarklet, javascript
Make your own crazy DNS server!
Samuel Williams
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ruby, dns, servers, system administration
Get the controller name and action name in a view
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ruby, rails
Worm game in under 50 line of code in ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, game
Troubleshooting Ruby 2.0 installation on OSX
Tadas Tamošauskas
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ruby, osx, homebrew, rbenv
Making Ruby's Enumerator lazier
Ivan Novikov
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ruby, lambda, lazy
Define Ruby methods and variables with space in name
Bohdan Schepansky
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ruby, tricks, hacks
Problems with Thread.current variables not getting unset between requests
Joe Connor
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ruby, concurrency, threads, current
ActiveRecord create, drop and migrations without Rails
0 responses
ruby, rails, migration