Newest R Uby Programming Tips
Only precompile assets when necessary (Rails 4, Capistrano 3)
Andrew Thal
10 responses
ruby, rails, assets, capistrano
Different ways to call a method in Ruby
Jack Weiss
1 response
ruby, functions, metaprogramming, methods
Total Noob
James Malley
0 responses
ruby, rails, block
(Almost) Painless Removal of Gems
Peter Boling
1 response
ruby, rubygems, rvm
add rubocop in rake
Marvin Marcelo
0 responses
ruby, rails, rake
HAML as variable
0 responses
ruby, rails, haml
Ruby parsing JSON from txt file.
Jake Cooper
1 response
ruby, json
# JSON parsed by Ruby
Jake Cooper
0 responses
ruby, json
Find the cheapest AZ to request your spot instance
0 responses
ruby, aws, devops
Ruby's equivalent to Python's `ary[1:]`
Melanie Archer
0 responses
ruby, array, enumerable
Make a gem
0 responses
ruby, rubygems
Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
2 responses
ruby, rails, configuration, osx
Update a single gem of your Gemfile without dependencies
Johannes Opper
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, gem
Development Team Code of Ethics
Jason Torres
4 responses
ruby, rails, tools, process
ActionController Concerns and View Inheritance
Ben Caldwell
0 responses
ruby, rails, concerns, object-oriented design
Simple cache when scraping with Ruby
Miha Rekar
0 responses
ruby, rails, scraping, cache
Nokogiri on Yosemite
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
ruby, rails, mac, nokogiri
Convert latin1 to UTF-8 in SQLite using Ruby
Sam Davies
0 responses
ruby, sqlite, utf-8
Installing dm-postgres-adapater with PostgreSQL 9.3 on Ubuntu
Leandro Guida
0 responses
ruby, adapter, ubuntu, postgresql
Configuring DataMapper with a YAML file
Leandro Guida
2 responses
ruby, hash, yaml, datamapper
Installing rmagick gem on Mac Mountain Lion
Lenin Raj Rajasekaran
0 responses
ruby, imagemagick, rmagick
Thoughts on login using username or e-mail address with Devise
Ben Caldwell
1 response
ruby, rails, devise, arel