Popular Ruby Programming Tips
Smart params matcher for Rails
Vojtěch Kusý
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ruby, rails, helper, parameters
Hacking mruby onto Heroku with Buildpacks
Richard Schneeman
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ruby, heroku, mruby, buildpacks
one line to camelize underscore in Ruby
Tiao Lims
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ruby, camelize, convenience
Rake, bundler and File.dirname(__FILE__)
Jason Porter
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ruby, bundler, guard
Oneliner to uninstall all ruby gems
Kyle Bolton
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ruby, awk
JSONP on Rails
Rafael Felix
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ruby, rails, json, jsonp
Ruby with RVM in Sublime Text 2
Alan Ivey
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ruby, rvm, sublime text 2
compass-fontcustom v1.0.0
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ruby, sass, compass, fonts
Create a gem in a gist
Javier Cervantes
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ruby, git
Uptime monitoring tools
Leonardo Faria
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ruby, uptime
Xcode 4.5.2, RVM & MacRuvy
Francisco Granados
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xcode, macruby, rvm
Development logs for Thin server
Gabriel Cebrian
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ruby, rails, thin
Raketask for connecting to Redis on Heroku
Lennart Fridén
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ruby, heroku, redis, rake
Strange case use
Thomas Riboulet
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Time functions in PostgreSQL
Denis Savitskiy
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ruby, sql, time, date
Fix issue when trying to install ruby 2.2.1 on openSUSE Leap
Mauro Morales
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ruby, opensuse, leap, zypper
Dont Generate Helper for Rails
Dinesh Vasudevan
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ruby, rails
4 lessons learned from teaching at RailsGirls Berlin
Tobias Pfeiffer
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ruby, rails, learning, railsgirls
Keep your Rails views DRY by using `render` with block
Aleksey Magusev
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ruby, rails, dry
Tieg Zaharia
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ruby, shell
Ruby Ranges
Benjamin Roth
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ruby, range
Running a command in the rails console without output
Marcelo G. Cajueiro
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ruby, rails, console
Easy Ruby versions from your .bashrc
Tyler Distad
2 responses
ruby, bashrc, bash