Newest Ruby Programming Tips
Logging exceptions on Sinatra
Gus Bonfant
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ruby, logging, sinatra
Automatically build and deploy Jekyll sites to heroku (from github)
7 responses
ruby, clojure, heroku, sinatra
Run a script before invoking IRb
0 responses
ruby, irb
minitest vs rspec
Shinichi Maeshima
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ruby, test
Rails Integration testing with Sorcery and Capybara
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ruby, rails, testing
Generate unique_id module
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, mongoid
Using Pypi XML-RPC API with Ruby
Xavier Dumesnil
1 response
ruby, api, pypi, xml-rpc
Protector: ORM security DSL
Boris Staal
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ruby, rails, activerecord, sequel
Simple ad-hoc rspec matchers
Andrew Radev
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ruby, rspec
Libtool library used but `LIBTOOL' is undefined
David Parry
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ruby, linux, libtool, automake
RubyMotion + Reveal
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ruby, reveal, ios, rubymotion
Polymorphic-embedded-associations in Mongoid
4 responses
ruby, mongoid, orm, polymorphism
Rails Quick Tips - Random Records
Matt Polito
12 responses
ruby, rails
Installing rmagick on OS X 10.8 and ruby 1.9.3
Jeremy Olliver
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ruby, osx, imagemagick, rmagick
Rails autoloading for your gem
Stephan Hagemann
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ruby, rails, gems, engines
Unlimited free private/public repos with Gitlab
Nicholas Jordon
12 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Open a rails form with Twitter Bootstrap modals
Eduardo Vidal
19 responses
ruby, rails, twitter-bootstrap
+ or .concat, what is faster for appending string in Ruby?
4 responses
ruby, string, operator, .concat
mysql2 gem on Windows
Gustavo Leon
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ruby, mysql, windows
Set autoeval on automatically when debugging
Matthew Riddle
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ruby, debugger, irb, rdebug
Rendering partial with a layout
David Morrow
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ruby, rails
Rename a method in Ruby
Kostas Karachalios
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ruby, metaprogramming
to_query - Hash to URL
Rajeev N Bharshetty
0 responses
ruby, rails, tip