Popular Php Programming Tips
ZF2: set UTF-8 charset in e-mail header
Adrian Imfeld
7 responses
php, utf-8, zend framework, encoding
How to get language switching back in Laravel 4
Dhaya Benmessaoud
4 responses
php, laravel, languages, routing
Image Upload using laravel4 and jquery uploader
3 responses
jquery, php, laravel
The Principles of the MVC Design Pattern
Gjero Krsteski
3 responses
php, mvc, oop
Host a static HTML/CSS site in Heroku
Rico Sta. Cruz
7 responses
php, css, heroku, static
Symfony2: Catch Doctrine exception in the controller and set flash message
0 responses
php, exception, symfony2
Use multiple versions of php with homebrew
Rifat Nabi
8 responses
php, mac, homebrew, brew
Using Client SSL Certificates for PHP cURL Requests on OSX
0 responses
php, osx, curl, homebrew
Catch PHP warnings and notices when unit testing
3 responses
php, unit tests, warnings, notices
Use php array_map in classes
Marco Cervellin
0 responses
php, method, class, array_map
Install php-devel (or how to get pear working) on RHEL
David Gil
0 responses
php, rhel, red hat, phpize
Regexp: how to validate a UK Postcode
Jean-Rémy Duboc
0 responses
regexp, postcode, perl, php
Laravel logout
Wern Ancheta
0 responses
php, laravel, logout
jQuery Ajax Cross Domain
Ernesto Camacho
1 response
jquery, php, crossdomain, jsonp
Testing Laravel email with MailCatcher
Marcus Ramsden
2 responses
php, laravel, email
When Composer Cannot Allocate Memory
Mark Vaughn
4 responses
php, linux, memory, composer
PHP Encrypt, Decrypt, Generate Random Passwords with mcrypt
Pedro Luz
4 responses
php, password, salt, mcrypt
Deploing Symfony Project using MySQL to Heroku.
Mateusz Książek
8 responses
php, heroku, symfony, symfony2
Darken HEX color in PHP
Aleš Farčnik
0 responses
php, color, darken, hex
Symfony2 Doctrine Extensions Timestampable setup
1 response
php, symfony, doctrine, timestampable
Javascript-Friendly REST API with CORS
Irakli Nadareishvili
11 responses
php, node, express, rest
How to build a MySQL-powered search engine
Matthias Mullie
10 responses
mysql, search engine, php
Fast Switching PHP on OS X
Marc Qualie
5 responses
php, homebrew, bash