Popular Php Programming Tips
How to use Logstash with Monolog
Sebastian Kück
1 response
php, logstash, monolog
Creating Foreign Keys via Laravel Migration
Rizwan Iqbal
6 responses
php, laravel
"Compressing" HTML output with PHP
Philipe Rubio
5 responses
php, compression
PHP :: Database Connection with file .ini
Everton Silva
4 responses
php, config, database
How to concatenate strings in twig
0 responses
php, symfony, twig
Increasing PHP CLI memory limit
Benjamin Paap
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php, cli, memory, limit
Retrieving a list of posts by tag_id (wordpress)
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
register_post_type - simple example
Mad Scientist
0 responses
php, wp_query, functions, github
Installing ImageMagick for PHP on Ubuntu 12.04
0 responses
php, imagemagick, ubuntu
Rename folder in PHP
Henrotte Simon
1 response
php, rename, folder, realpath
Brute force protection in PHP
Arnold Daniels
3 responses
php, security
Git and Laravel 4 practical use
4 responses
php, mysql, laravel, git
Faster Ajax For WordPress
raz ohad
12 responses
php, ajax, wordpress
PRESTASHOP background/cron CSV products import
19 responses
php, prestashop
Wrapping a PHP class for easy method chaining
Stefano Azzolini
12 responses
php, proxy, chain
Codeigniter: loading up multiple databases
David Porter
5 responses
php, codeigniter, active-record
Pass array through POST method
0 responses
php, json, input, post
PHP Collections
Ítalo Lelis de Vietro
0 responses
php, collections, java, .net
How to use Monolog in any PHP file
Matteo Giordano
3 responses
php, logging
Use PHP with your Yeoman dev server
Jedidiah Hurt
15 responses
php, nodejs, yeoman, livereload
No more tired eyes - use dark themes!
Adrian Imfeld
3 responses
php, ergonomics, phpstorm
Get request path in PHP for routing
Otar Chekurishvili
3 responses
php, ochekurishvili, route, htaccess
Adding a Phone Numer Field to Wordpress User Profile
Rob Arpi
1 response
php, funtions.php, userprofile, wordpress