Popular Objective C Programming Tips
Inhibit warnings per pod, not all warnings
Victor Ilyukevich
0 responses
ios development, cocoapods, objective-c, podfile
Rails-like dates in Objective-C
Dominique d'Argent
2 responses
Literal syntax for dictionary & array creation
Sergi Gracia
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ios, array, nsarray, dictionary
Elegant global access to App Delegate
Sendoa Portuondo
0 responses
cocoa, ios, iphone, app delegate
Xcode + VIM = ❤️
Christian Sampaio
0 responses
cocoa, ios, xcode, vim
Objective-C Singleton
James Brooks
0 responses
Python-like comprehensions for NSArray
Max Goedjen
1 response
objective-c, category, comprehension
Debugging clue-less crash gdb
0 responses
objective-c, c, gdb
A grey UIBarButtonItem.
Eloy Durán
0 responses
uicolor, gray, objective-c, uibarbuttonitem
iOS view hierarchy
0 responses
objective-c, ios
iOS - Fixing non-quoted-key in JSON String
Noval Agung Prayogo
0 responses
ios, objective-c
Group success and failure test cases
Adam Yanalunas
0 responses
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Objective-C Properties
Matt Massicotte
0 responses
ios, osx, clang, objective-c
Custom UIControl ProTip
Alejandro Rupérez
0 responses
ios, xcode, objective-c
Cool ways to use C Preprocessor
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ios, preprocessor, macro, c
Try out a new UITabBar in your application
Vincent Saluzzo
0 responses
cocoa, xcode, objective-c, uikit
Objective-C round double to nearest 50
Matthew Teece
0 responses
rounding, ios, objective-c
Mixin properties on ObjC classes via the ObjC runtime
Jason Kozemczak
0 responses
ios, mixins, properties, category
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
ios, xcode, mac, objective-c
OsiriX y su XML-RPC - Parte I
Alberto M. Lagos T.
0 responses
html, java, objective-c, osirix
PSPDFKit, a great framework for displaying and annotating PDFs in iOS apps
Pablo Ruiz
0 responses
objective-c, ios, pdf
Watch the WWDC 2012 videos online
Arnaud Coomans
0 responses
macosx, objective-c, ios
concatenate NSStrings
Jorge Galindo Cruces
0 responses
ios, objective-c
RHAddressBook - Saving a Contact
0 responses
objective-c, ios, rhaddressbook, addressbook