Popular Nginx Programming Tips
Typo3 7.6.xx - Realurl configuration on nginx
Ilic Davor
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typo3, nginx, reaurl, extension
Alexis Rabago Carvajal
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rails, permissions, nginx, unicorn
Hide your git on web servers
Peter Mescalchin
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security, nginx, git
Disallow access to Drupal /user and /admin with Nginx
Alan Ivey
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drupal, nginx
Routing your Node App using Nginx
Jack Keller
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nodejs, node, nginx
Lost, a Vagrant LEMP box on steroids
Santiago Gil
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php, mysql, nginx, vagrant
Adding remote IP in javascript with nginx
Cícero Verneck Corrêa
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js, nginx, remote attr
nginx.conf passenger with padrino.rb
Angel Botto
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ruby, nginx, passenger, padrino
Nginx configuration for a Flask app with a uWSGI upstream
James Bradach
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nginx, flask, uwsgi
How to install pfx certificate on linux server with nginx
sergey kuchmistov
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nginx, ssl, pfx
Scalable Node.js With Nginx
Yigit Kula
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nginx, scale, scalable, nodejs
Multiple versions of Ruby with Nginx
Alan Stirling
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ruby, nginx, passenger, versions
Handling load in NodeJS
Giuliano Iacobelli
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nginx, load balancing, nodejs, reverse proxy
Monit Conf for Various Services
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mysql, nginx, postgres, unicorn
Increase the limits of unicorn connections
Fabrizio Regini
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linux, nginx, unicorn
Nginx default virtual host
J.C. | jicéb
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nginx, vhost, default
nginx for php
Hai Yan Wang
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php, nginx
Nginx config rule for WordPress
Joe Gardiner
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nginx, wordpress
How to make Django believe directly hitting the IP is a certain host in nginx
Björn Andersson
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django, nginx, aws, elb
Redirect http to https in nginx
Kyle Isom
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nginx, https, redirect
sanitize Nginx logs
Ramez Hanna
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regex, logs, nginx, sanitize logs
Como instalar Zurmo CRM usando Ubuntu, Nginx y MariaDB
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linux, nginx, admin, mariadb
Java+nginx getting around self-signed certs
Charles Feduke
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nginx, ssl, java
Intuitive flags information of Nginx
Pothi Kalimuthu
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nginx, awk, shell, zsh