Popular Mac Programming Tips
Setting up Python, MySQL Module and Django on Mac OS X Lion
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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Mac OSX, homebrew & Python: Creating Virtual Environments
Abu Ashraf Masnun
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remove all .DS_Store pollution
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Show Battery percentage in Terminal
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terminal, mac
Recursively Remove Pesky .DS_Store Files
Andrew Bigger
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Automatically mount an external drive when launching iPhoto
Simon Jodet
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Command Line Execution
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linux, mac, command
Jeffrey Jackson
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Cheat-sheet of shortcuts of any app on Mac
Irakli Nadareishvili
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mac, productivity, os-x
Fix top-posting in mail.app
Rafał Malinowski
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osx, mac, apple, mailapp
Get rid of .DS_Store files on Mac when Zipping
Ram Ratan Maurya
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terminal, mac, hidden files
Clear Terminal in OSX
Dionysios Barmpoutis
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shell, terminal, osx, mac
Simple webserver in seconds
Kristján Oddsson
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OS X keeps track of every file you've ever downloaded
Robert May
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Debugging web views in native OSX apps
Marian Julius Zange
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Symlinking a folder with content (mac)
Kenny Brijs
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mac, symlink
Mac developer? Use MacRuby IRB
Daniel Green
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usefull Mac OS CLI Aliase
Philipp Haußleiter
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f.lux™ Better lighting...for your computer
Bob Williams
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mac, app, sleep, coding
Mac: Open File/Folder in Terminal from Finder
Clayton McIlrath
0 responses
shell, terminal, mac, productivity
'purge' command in Mac OSX
Rafael Carício
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macosx, mac, memory
Installing Ruby 2.0 on OS X with RVM
Nigel Pepper
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ruby, osx, mac, development
Activate Java Console on Mac
Michael Minter
0 responses
mac, mac os x, java
iTerm new tab at current directory
Walter Miller
1 response
mac, iterm
pro prank: make the terminal slow over time
Nimrod Gutman
0 responses
mac, linux, bash, slow