Popular Linux Programming Tips
Redis Desktop Manager - Cross-platform Redis GUI
Igor Malinovskiy
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Using host for DNS lookups
Nate Underwood
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linux, unix, sysadmin, macos
Git live log (without flickering)
0 responses
log, gist, git, linux
Install WebP CLI tools on Mac/Linux
Ryan Parman
0 responses
mac, macos, linux, cwebp
How to Use NFS (Server and Client)
Marcel Bischoff
1 response
howto, linux, server, client
Strategy Pattern using Lambda Expressions in Java 8
Akapo Damilola Francis
0 responses
linux, programming, vilgax321, coding
Getting system user or group ids by their names with Ruby
Chun-wei Kuo
0 responses
ruby, linux, unix, sysadmin
OverAPI.com - Collecting All Cheat Sheets
1 response
jquery, ruby, php, python
Safety tips for dangerous commands in bash
Rilke Petrosky (XenoMuta 2.0)
3 responses
bash, linux, unix, shellscript
Script to install OpenVAS from source code on Ubuntu/Arch linux
Chris Fernandez CEHv7, IACRB, Linux Engineer
0 responses
linux, arch, ubuntu, bash
Install Less CSS compiler in Ubuntu via nodes
Pol Ruzafa
0 responses
css, linux, ubuntu, less
Make password asterisks visible in your terminal
Gautam Basubramanian
0 responses
terminal, vim, linux, sudo
Only single instance
Danny Morabito
0 responses
linux, process, bash, only one instance
Getting text to reflow on window resize in gnome-terminal
Victor Bjelkholm
0 responses
gnome, terminal, linux, ubuntu
Using zsh instead of bash
Marcus Puchalla
1 response
zsh, linux, bash
copying and pasting commands into Terminal, Linux/OSX/etc
Steven J. Dale
3 responses
terminal, osx, linux, dd
How to download a website for local viewing via wget
Kevin Ndung'u
3 responses
linux, download, wget, mirror
A better way to tail logs
2 responses
linux, logs, commandline, tail
Checking memory usage under Linux
Matt Willsher
2 responses
memory, sysadmin, linux
Decrypt shortened URL, the minimal way
Malte Bublitz
1 response
shell, cli, linux, curl
Use pgrep and pkill instead of grepping ps output
Kenneth Falck
0 responses
linux, ps, pkill, pgrep
Disable Toshiba's Z30 Accupoint on Linux via xinput
Peter Suschlik
0 responses
linux, xorg, toshiba, accupoint
Display an image from stdout [ubuntu]
0 responses
command line, linux, unix, qr code
Read Monit status from the command line using html2text
Mike Hall
3 responses
console, linux, curl, html2text
Install Sublime Text 3 (beta) on Linux Mint or Ubuntu
John Atten
2 responses
sublime text, linux