Popular Java Programming Tips
Primefaces > Richfaces
Tom Caflisch
4 responses
java, jsf, primefaces, richfaces
Maven - Unsupported major.minor version of surefire
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
maven, java, surefire
Quickly access AWS Elastic Beanstalk Tomcat Logs
Raúl Raja
0 responses
aws, tomcat, java, elastic beanstalk
Simple location service for Android
Sultan Imanhodjaev
1 response
java, geo-location, android service
Java: How to Override equals() and HashCode() Method
Julie Spencer
0 responses
java, developer, equals(), hashcode()
Building Android applications using Android Annotations
Sapan Diwakar
0 responses
howto, tutorial, fragment, activity
Upgrading to Hibernate4 from HibernateDaoSupport?
Sam Thomas
0 responses
spring, hibernate, java
Compile Groovy Before Java in Gradle Build
0 responses
groovy, gradle, java
Check if an APK is from Google Play
Javi Pacheco
3 responses
android, google play, java, apk
Java Tip #1. Stop to use "toString" method!
Maks Atygaev
3 responses
string, java, clean code
Generate a String similarity score with Java
Jon Austen
0 responses
algorithm, java
curl python JSON RESTful API
Jeffrey Jackson
0 responses
xcode, osx, linux, ipad
Java POJO without getter/setter equals/hashcode
Billy Yarosh
1 response
java, simple
[LibGDX] Draw transparent shapes
Hendra Gunawan
0 responses
java, libgdx
Configure Spring to send email with GMail SMTP
Alexander Rashkov
0 responses
java, spring framework, smtp, java mail
What is the difference when create Set<T> in java
0 responses
java, hashset, set
Simple cypher request through the neo4j rest api
Matthias Baumgart
0 responses
cypher, rest, neo4j, java
Using scr annotations in a pax-construct project with maven-bundle-plugin
0 responses
maven, osgi, bnd, scr
The Perfect Brew
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
open source, linux, mac, coffee
Dojo: Level Up Your Communication Skill!
2 responses
php, python, dojo, java
OpenCL kernel support header for Eclipse CDT
René Jeschke
0 responses
cpp, opencl, eclipse, java
Fix Java Swing font rendering
0 responses
linux, font, swing, intellij
Become a polyglot
Alexander Brevig
4 responses
prolog, templates, csharp, programming
Setting horizontal alignment of editable JComboBox text
Lindsay Bradford
0 responses
java, swing, jcombobox
How to package non-Java code/files/resources in a JAR with MAVEN
0 responses
maven, resources, java, javascript