Popular J Son Programming Tips
Minitest: Testing JSON APIs
Trevor Kimenye
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json, minitest
Escape a string with JSON.stringify
Todd Wolfson
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json, string, escape, javascript
Prettify JSON in the command line with Ruby
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ruby, json, bash
Command line tool alternative to curl for toying with APIs
Christoph Lühr
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cli, http, curl, json
How to: Return JSON from Sinatra
Abhijeet Iraj
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json, sinatra
PHP ExtJS Types Builder
Gjero Krsteski
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php, json, extjs, oop
Android how to use AsyncTask
Mert Aydin
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sqlite, json, android, asynctask
More JSON formatting
Jason Rogers
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vim, json, commandline, yajl
Laravel 4 on Ubuntu 13.10
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curl, json, mcrypt, laravel 4
Parsing JSON in Scala: Use Argonaut
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scala, btipling, json
HTTP Statuses Codes, now for JS
Gonçalo Morais
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code, http, json, javascript
Gabriel Webb
0 responses
json, beginner, ios, objective-c
Regex-less JSONP callback validation via LINQ magic
Mike Olsen
3 responses
api, json, linq, jsonp
Get an abuse contact email on the command line
James Barnett
1 response
json, one-liner, bash
Transforming JSON
2 responses
javascript, json
Pretty print JSON in your terminal
Christian Lizell
0 responses
python, terminal, command line, json
Don't waste time on XML, json ftw
8 responses
php, js, api, json
Access to JSON fields with Ruby
Pedro Tavares
0 responses
ruby, json
Getting weather of any city with Ruby
Emad Elsaid
0 responses
ruby, yml, rails, json
Tools: Import and export of CSV and JSON files
Marco Bunge
0 responses
php, development, json, import
Mock your HTTP responses to test your REST API
Jellali Tarek
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http, rest, json, web services
JAX-RS returns Object.toString() instead of JSON
Jack Snow
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rest, json, java ee, jax-rs
JSON pretty-print bash alias
Christian Joudrey
0 responses
python, json, bashrc, bash
jQuery Compatible JSONP With Nginx
Erik Zaadi
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jquery, json, nginx, jsonp