Newest Ios Programming Tips
Responding to Keyboard Events on iOS
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
mobile, objective c, keyboard shortcuts, ios
Mountain Lion Setup with Xcode, RVM, and Homebrew
Todd Grooms
0 responses
ruby, xcode, rvm, homebrew
Making all self references in blocks weak by default
6 responses
arc, ios, blocks, objective-c
iOS phone number styling
Sergi Meseguer
0 responses
css, ios, meta
Human friendly AppStore links
Karol S. Mazur
0 responses
ios, apple, app, appstore
Overlay for Visualizing Accessibility in iOS
Sean McMains
0 responses
ios, accessibility, uiaccessibility
Resizing a view presented modally (iPad)
4 responses
ipad, ios, objective-c, ui-kit
Sort Lines of Text in Any OSX Application
Jeff Remer
4 responses
shell, terminal, xcode, osx
Literal syntax for dictionary & array creation
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
ios, array, nsarray, dictionary
Spine - 2D skeletal animation tool
Alain Hufkens
0 responses
ios, cocos2d
Share your App Delegate as project constant
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
xcode, constant, global, singleton
Class Introspection
Juan Karam
0 responses
debugging, ios, objective-c
Your own Objective-C shared object
Paweł Ksieniewicz
4 responses
singleton, objective-c, ios
Device and Interface Orientation with iOS
Dylan Marriott
1 response
orientation, ios
How to wait for GCD queues to suspend before performing a task
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
cocoa, ios, osx, gcd
Getting everything for building iOS apps with
Martin Naumann
3 responses
mobile, ipad, iphone, itunes
Get current device orientation
Sergi Gracia
0 responses
xcode, ipad, iphone, orientation
Single iOS Mail account - multiple email addresses
Aleš Farčnik
1 response
ios, alias, ipad, iphone
Crash Symbolicating
Juan Karam
0 responses
objective-c, ios
Core Data + Gran Central Dispatch
Juan Karam
0 responses
core data, ios, gcd, objective-c
Tracing Objective-C messages
Dominik Pich
0 responses
1 px by 1 px semi-transparent white repeating background image shows up grey in iOS
Jamie Jo Vittetoe
1 response
ios, transparent, web design, front-end development
Custom XCode 4 templates can speed up UITableViewController boilerplate work
Roderic Campbell
0 responses
ios, uitableviewcontroller, nsfetchedresultscontroller, xcode4 template
Check connection availability on iOS (the simple way)
Francesco Napoletano
0 responses
internet connection, ios, objective-c