Popular Haskell Programming Tips
Find a common prefix of two lists:
Wyatt Allen
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Ruby gsub with Haskell
Fredrik Olsen
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haskell, regex
Composable template layouts with Happstack & HSP
Joe Fiorini
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haskell, happstack, hsp, hsx
Calculation method evaluation
Alexander Loschilov
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haskell, knuth
concise overview of available hackage stuff
Oliver Mueller
0 responses
haskell, cabal, bash, hackage
Pattern Matching syntax comparison in Scala, Haskell, ML and OCaml
Marius Herring
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scala, haskell, ocaml, ml
Haskell - Functors in GHCi
Maciej Smoliński
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haskell, purescript, functional programming, fp
Always look for patterns
0 responses
haskell, kata, pattern matching