Popular Git Hub Programming Tips
emoji - The emoticons used on GitHub
Tim Pietrusky
5 responses
markdown, github
Using Chef's remote_file with GitHub raw content
Mike Fiedler
1 response
ruby, chef, remote_file, github
Curl Your Github Public Keys
Joe James
1 response
Expand all "outdated diff" comments in a GitHub pull request
Peter Flynn
13 responses
pull request, bookmarklet, github
Replace Dreamweaver with Sublime Text
Dylan Kinnett
3 responses
sublime text, sublime, keyboard shortcuts, gists
Using ansicon to colorize cat with pygmentize for git bash on Windows 7
Jupiter St John
0 responses
shell, curl, unicode, windows 7
Javascript Github Social Login Bootstrap Button for OAuth
0 responses
javascript, oauth, github, social login
How to create gh-pages branch
4 responses
gh-pages, git, edipotrebol, github
Easily invite a person to pair with you in tmux
Mislav Marohnić
5 responses
ssh, tmux, pairing, github
angularjs html5Mode on github pages
Chia-liang Kao
2 responses
html5, pushstate, angularjs, github
Unlock the GitHub Game Off badges
Matthew Deiters
5 responses
game-development, badges, github
Multiple github accounts in one computer
Mariz Melo
0 responses
ssh, git, github
Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
0 responses
gist, github
Schedule meetings like a boss
Lee Reilly
5 responses
scheduling, meetings, developer-happiness, github
Using SSH keys other than the default on Mac OS
Pedro Rodrigues
0 responses
ssh, ssh keys, keychain, bitbucket
Easily create blog post excerpts for Jekyll and Github Pages
Garrett Miller
0 responses
blog, jekyll, github
Editing incoming pull requests
Martin Naumann
0 responses
github, open source, martin-n, pull requests
Switching to boxen ?
Thomas Riboulet
2 responses
ruby, boxen, github
Travis-CI and MongoDB
Tobias Trelle
3 responses
ci, mongodb, travis, java
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Push new project to Github
Arthur Chang
2 responses
github, git
Deploying private submodules on heroku
Petr Bela
4 responses
heroku, submodules, github
Keeping your github forks in sync
1 response
openstack, bash, github