Popular Git Programming Tips
Fixing bundler issues like "git@github.com:... is not checked out. Please run `bundle install`"
Martin Naumann
0 responses
ruby, bundler, gem, rvm
Using ansicon to colorize cat with pygmentize for git bash on Windows 7
Jupiter St John
0 responses
shell, curl, unicode, windows 7
Roll Back an Accidental Git Rebase
Nick Smith
2 responses
git, sourcetree
Git diff says all lines changed?
Magnus Dahlstrand
2 responses
diff, utf-8, git, git diff
Global git templates (yes, that means hooks)
1 response
config, git
Javascript Github Social Login Bootstrap Button for OAuth
0 responses
javascript, oauth, github, social login
How to create gh-pages branch
4 responses
gh-pages, git, edipotrebol, github
Vundle - no more vim plugins as git submodules
Alexander Tamoykin
1 response
vim, plugin, git, pathogen
Undoing an accidental commit in a git repository
Christoffer Niska
0 responses
undo, commit, git, reset
Replace all occurences of 'Shard' with 'Card' in the git repo
Jussi Kalliokoski
4 responses
sed, sh, replace, productivity
WIP+git+oh-my-zsh: improve your branch switching
Chaisse-Leal Maxime
2 responses
shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh, git
Easily invite a person to pair with you in tmux
Mislav Marohnić
5 responses
ssh, tmux, pairing, github
Show directory and git branch in iTerm tabs
Martin Svalin
4 responses
iterm, git, bash
Creating custom git commands + autocompletion
Jorge Dias
1 response
git, bash, autocompletion
Squash your git commits for a clean history
Einar Jonsson
0 responses
history, rebase, git
angularjs html5Mode on github pages
Chia-liang Kao
2 responses
html5, pushstate, angularjs, github
Unlock the GitHub Game Off badges
Matthew Deiters
5 responses
game-development, badges, github
error: There was a problem with the editor 'vi'.
0 responses
bash, zsh, git, osx
Git: remove untracked files and directories
Arun Prasath
0 responses
git, git-clean