Newest Git Programming Tips
Git can do JSON (almost)
Ilya Dmitrichenko
4 responses
log, json, analisys, git
HTML5 geolocation with fallback
Tom Roggero
0 responses
open source, gist, javascript, github
Retryable gem
Nikita Fedyashev
0 responses
ruby, github
How to avoid merge errors
Mads Ulrik Svendsen
0 responses
terminal, linux, workflow, git
MyBB Patches
Nathan Malcolm
0 responses
github, open source, mybb
Git push default
Garry Shutler
0 responses
Search for Files on GitHub
Tim Berglund
2 responses
file, search, github
Merging a Pull Request Locally
Tim Berglund
0 responses
pull, request, oscon, git
Vert.x on heroku
Alex Boyd
0 responses
java, heroku, git, vert.x
nodeNES - A JavaScript c6502 compiler for Nintendo 8 bits
0 responses
nodejs, open source, javascript, github
Custom git log
Gil Polguère
0 responses
config, log, .gitconfig, format
Pretty output from remote git
Dmitry Medvinsky
2 responses
shell, deploy, git
A Simple Shell Function to Update Git Branches
Phil Cohen
0 responses
shell, git
Free live Git and GitHub help
Matthew McCullough
0 responses
git, github
imagesnap git post-commit photo rewrite
Damon Davison
5 responses
shell, git
Branch History with Branch Exclusions
Saleem Abdulrasool
0 responses
log, branches, history, git
Git: Log commits on working branch
Karsten Silkenbäumer
0 responses
git log, git