Newest Git Programming Tips
Building up Hubot on Gtalk (deployed on Heroku)
Abhishek Das
5 responses
heroku, hubot, gtalk, github
Vim and git
0 responses
vim, git
Private dvcs repositories
Fredrik Leijon
0 responses
git, hg, dvcs
Using Dropbox instead of Github to get a free private repo
Miles Matthias
1 response
dropbox, version control, github
A better way to setup git flow
Alan Ivey
0 responses
git-flow, git flow, git
Quickly switch between Git branches
Baptiste Fontaine
0 responses
bash, git
RegEx to find <img/> tags missing alt attributes
Ryan Artecona
4 responses
html, regex, grep, regular expression
GIT: ignore changes in tracked files
Allan MacGregor
0 responses
programming, git
Last commit hash alias
Rob W
0 responses
git mergetool with vimdiff
Tom, Bom
0 responses
vim, git
Fetch all active patches from gerrit
Sergey Avseyev
0 responses
tcl, gerrit, git
Dead easy iOS 5 Core Image filters
James Womack
0 responses
ipad, iphone, core image, instagram
Development and Release Workflow with Git
Alex Oberhauser
0 responses
development, workflow, branching, release
Delete a remote git branch
Muhammad Usman
0 responses
delete git branch, delete remote, git