Popular G It Hub Programming Tips
Eric S.
6 responses
boxen, hackintosh, github
Create a GitHub pull request after a successful Codeship build
Evan Sims
1 response
testing, pull request, deployment, codeship
iOS CSS3 Elements for mockups
Mariz Melo
0 responses
html, ios, css3, ipad
Brevidy, the open source video social network
Rob Phillips
1 response
jquery, ruby, haml, web
Android FireZenk's TickerText
Jorge Garrido
0 responses
source, code, text, custom
Create a GitHub repo from the command line
Lance Pollard
2 responses
git, bash, github
Easy deployment on Github pages with GruntJS
Vincenzo Ferrari
0 responses
deploy, deployment, grunt, nodejs
Markdown Preview using ruby and sinatra simple script
Emad Elsaid
1 response
ruby, rails, github
Hosting a Blog on Github
Aaron Karper
2 responses
blog, github
h1 heading in AsciiDoc documents on GitHub
Dan Allen
0 responses
asciidoc, github
Task Lists in Github Gists
Sıtkı Bağdat
2 responses
markdown, gist, tasks, git
SBRXCallbackURLKit: Easily add x-callback-url support to your app
Sebastian Rehnby
0 responses
cocoa, objc, cocoapods, objective-c
Take a screenshot of any website, using PhantomJS
Sean Dunn
0 responses
coffeescript, github
Github issue number and commit message
Dmitry Novotochinov
0 responses
git, issues, commit-msg, github
Bring a robot
Kerry Snyder
3 responses
node, json, npm, modules
ghq: Manage repository clones of GitHub, Google Code on the "Go way"
0 responses
git, mercurial, go, github
Git tutorial for beginners
Steven Iseki
1 response
git, github
Backbone Aura: widget-based javascript apps
Mike King
0 responses
javascript, github
Gist made easy for mac
Erik Chacon
0 responses
ruby, gem, gist, github
Commit Message Tips
Simon Owen
3 responses
commit, notes, vcs, git
Get/Send SSH-Keys the Github way
Hannes Georg
4 responses
ssh, github
SquareQuote — cool open source iOS app!
Philip Vasilchenko
0 responses
open source, iphone, squarequote, objective-c
0 responses
ruby, rubygems, programming, github
Automatic documentation update with ex_doc and Github pages for Elixir
0 responses
elixir, documentation, hook, gh-pages