Newest G It Programming Tips
gitlab - git ask for a password
0 responses
git, gitlab
Adding a custom GitHub repo to your Laravel 4 project using Composer
Jason Au
0 responses
php, composer, git, laravel 4
git reset -p
Norman Clarke
0 responses
Enable Git commands in VS Package Manager Console
John Crowe
1 response
git, package manager console, git tf
Read git commit logs with style.
Alexandru G.
0 responses
php, git
Git tricks
Ronan Guilloux
0 responses
Save disk space when cloning Git repos
José Mota
0 responses
clone, git
Pushing compiled code to heroku
Michael Grassotti
0 responses
heroku, git
Get some sliding UIViewControllers with ViewDeck
Jelle Vandebeeck
0 responses
ios, framework, viewdeck, github
Git protocol behind a proxy
Grant Walker
2 responses
proxy, https, git
Publicize your Coderwall Badges
Matt Heath
2 responses
ruby, coderwall, github
Safe interactive rebasing with git
Marc-André Lafortune
0 responses
rebase, git
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
9 responses
jquery, ruby, php, python
Use a better .htaccess
Nicholas Jordon
4 responses
php, shell, mobile, open source
Run Code Sniffer on modified files
Steve Halford
5 responses
git, sniffer, phpcs, cs
Keep TODOs in git
Mislav Marohnić
6 responses
shell, cli, todo, git
A separate dev-database per git branch
Ahad Shafiq
0 responses
ruby, rails, databases, git
Private Cocoapods
Jeffrey Jackson
5 responses
xcode, mac, ipad, iphone
Multi-line Git commit message from CLI
1 response
shell, cli, commit, git
Don't Copy-Paste from Website to Terminal
Ahmed Ezzeldin
4 responses
shell, bash, git, linux
Git time tracking & task management
Alexey Alekhin
0 responses
shell, time tracking, git, planning
Filter commits by author on Github
Rômulo Machado
0 responses
filter, commits, github