Newest G It Programming Tips
Rebase & Push Non-Master Branch to Heroku
Aaron Miler
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heroku, git
Heroku pip problem
2 responses
python, heroku, flask, git
Run composer install after git merge
Radosław Mejer
0 responses
php, composer, git
Bootstrap My Mac
Josh Burns
0 responses
shell, osx, mac, bootstrap
Yet another merge? Replay your commits instead
José Sazo
0 responses
git, merge, rebase
Git- Script to cleanup all merged local branches
Christopher Curtis
0 responses
git, version control, branch management
Undo a git merge that has been pushed to the server
Matthew Harmon
3 responses
git, undo merge, github
Bitdeli – Analytics for GitHub
Yuri Artemev
0 responses
analytics, git, badge, github
Get current Git commit version in Rails app
David Paluy
0 responses
rails, git
Simple contributors stats on git repos
Denis Costa
0 responses
shell, git
svn-like statuses in git log
0 responses
log, svn, commit, status
Seeing parts of the line that differ in a diff using Git
François Pietka
0 responses
color, diff, git
.gitignore not working
2 responses
gitignore, git
Automate your commit messages
Roman Blöth
0 responses
git, commit message, hooks
Show current Git branch name in bash PS1
Robert Hennig
2 responses
branch, command line, git, ps1
Auto-deploy Octopress blog to Heroku
Andrew Thal
0 responses
heroku, octopress, deploy, buildpack
Creating custom git commands + autocompletion
Jorge Dias
1 response
git, bash, autocompletion
Free hosting with Pagoda Box
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
php, css, open source, api
WIP+git+oh-my-zsh: improve your branch switching
Chaisse-Leal Maxime
2 responses
shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh, git