Newest G It Programming Tips
Fixing 'vi' errors when using git
Andrew King
0 responses
git, vim, errors
Adding another project's entire history with git using subtree merge
0 responses
shell, scm, git, lucariatias
How to download a project subdirectory from GitHub
Janos Gyerik
5 responses
svn, git, github
Checkout Simple, clean jekyll theme for hackers.
Vinit Kumar
0 responses
web, theme, jekyll, hackers
Follow new people on GitHub
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
friends, github
Static Asset Cache Buster
Matt Ryan
0 responses
ruby, php, cache, git
Wordpress plugins mirrored on github
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
git, wordpress, github
A guide to install GitLab >6.0 on Debian 7 "Wheezy"
Lorenzo Novaro
0 responses
nginx, debian, git, gitlab
Delete local branches merged on origin
Justin Smestad
0 responses
protip, git, cleanup, prune
Simplify your configurable hooks
Łukasz Niemier
0 responses
ruby, rails, hook, git hook
GitShot script with support for Cinema Display
Andrew Burns
0 responses
ruby, git, osx, gitshot
git hook to regenerate ctags
Cezar Halmagean
0 responses
rails, git, ctags
Use Sublime Text for git commit messages
Roman Blöth
0 responses
sublime text, git, commit messages
Delete github repo hooks
Pavan Kumar Sunkara
0 responses
nodejs, git, github
HTTPS Only Git
Mohamed Jadelrab
0 responses
git, tip, ports
Start interactive commit messages with # (Hash)
Kerem Bozdas
0 responses
commit, interactive, hash, git
Enable 'git diff' color highlighting by default
Kerem Bozdas
0 responses
color, git, diff, syntax