Popular Git Programming Tips
Do you want to learn Git?
Mario Alberto Chavez
0 responses
git, learn
Enable colors in git console output
0 responses
console, terminal, git
Missing SVN Export?
Arlen Walker
0 responses
git, deploy, export
Git branch and autocomplete in your bash prompt
Joe Connor
1 response
prompt, git, bash
Undoing a git merge
Ezekiel Kigbo
0 responses
merge, undo, simple, git
Just run rspec tests that differ from master
Markus Graf
0 responses
git, bash, rspec
git add -u
Nguyen Thanh Hai
0 responses
Compare current version of a file to old git revision
Benjamin Schuster-Boeckler
0 responses
git, diff, version control, textwrangler
git commit and mood + lastfm
Deden Fathurahman
0 responses
php, scm, tips, fun
Follow new people on GitHub
Arthur Nogueira Neves
0 responses
friends, github
Open recent files in your editor
Marco Hamersma
0 responses
git, editor
My Git Environment
Randall Hand
0 responses
shell, commandline, git
Find a file in a GitHub repo in a Sublime Text “⌘P” style
Matti Schneider
0 responses
navigation, shortcut, github
clean changes from accidently git stash pop
Benjamin Knofe
0 responses
patch, stash, pop, remove
Make lolcommits choose your camera
Daniel Murphy
0 responses
git, lolcommits, selfies
Clone Specific Branch and Rename Remote
Jesse O'Brien
0 responses
branch, remote, git
Git checkout your previous branch!
Tom Gallacher
0 responses
productivity, git
remote ref for forked git project
josh bowles
0 responses
open source, git
Delete remote git tags
Jens Grassel
0 responses
git, workflow, delete, remote tags