Popular Git Programming Tips
Open all conflicted merge files with Git
Joel Gillman
0 responses
merge, vim, git, conflict
Branching off a branch
Kristian Lewis Jones
0 responses
rebase, workflow, git
Add Git branch information to bash prompt
Matt Hodges
3 responses
shell, bash, git
Bulk updating of git projects
Jens Hausherr
0 responses
fish, git, bash
Show matching git ref names
Ben Simpson
0 responses
log, branches, tags, formatting
Diff dirty working copy with HEAD
Todd Wolfson
0 responses
diff, branch, copy, git
gitk in terminal
Valcho Nedelchev
0 responses
git, gitk
Improved Sinatra Bootstrap
Bryan Mikaelian
0 responses
ruby, git, sinatra, organization
Git Svn Broken in MacOSX - Maverick and Lion
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
perl, xcode, svn, git-svn
Diff with common ancestor while resolving merge conflicts in vim (with fugitive)
Matthew Boehm
0 responses
viml, diff, vim, git
Hide your git on web servers
Peter Mescalchin
1 response
security, nginx, git
Push to several remotes at once with git
Jupiter St John
1 response
shell, zsh, git, bash
Renaming a branch on git
Renato Vasconcellos Gomes
1 response
branch, rename, git
Un-staging already staged files in git
Alexander Greim
0 responses
staging, git
How to track a directory but not it's files with git
0 responses
gitignore, version control, git, gitkeep
Git compatible sshfs mount - mac os x
Joram Höfs
0 responses
shell, git, sshfs
git diff highlighting
Felix Puchinger
0 responses
vim, syntax, git, highlighting
iOS CSS3 Elements for mockups
Mariz Melo
0 responses
html, ios, css3, ipad
Don't develop in master branch. Just don't.
8 responses
scm, git
A separate dev-database per git branch
Ahad Shafiq
0 responses
ruby, rails, databases, git
Using Emacs 24 server on Mac OSX for Clojure and Git development
John Stevenson
0 responses
clojure, emacs, git
Homebrew Git Error
Zach Schneider
0 responses
homebrew, git, error