Popular Devops Programming Tips
Vagrant box - PHP 5 with apache, mysql and phpmyadmin
2 responses
php, mysql, apache, vagrant
Use private docker registry in OS-X
eranga bandara
0 responses
osx, lxc, boot2docker, docker
Disable TLS on boot2docker
eranga bandara
0 responses
devops, boot2docker, docker
Limit the number of lines in docker log
Louis Borsu
0 responses
log, logs, tail, container
Mysql server installation with custom password in Ansible
Ignacio Tolstoy
3 responses
mysql, ansible
doing an apt-get update in ansible only if a condition is met
Ali-Akber Saifee
1 response
python, deployment, ansible
Get vagrant box guest IP from host
Ronan Guilloux
0 responses
vagrant, ip
How to install Ansible on SLES 11
Robert Winkler
3 responses
ansible, sles11
Installing Docker 0.8 on Debian Wheezy in 60 seconds
Wil Tan
5 responses
debian, wheezy, docker
Insecure And Self-Signed Private Docker Registry With Boot2Docker
Ivan Sim
4 responses
ivanhcsim, boot2docker, docker, docker-machine
Vagrant + VirtualBox + Ubuntu = no internet access?
Ignas Butėnas
10 responses
virtualbox, network, vagrant, linux
Setup a MongoDB Container With a Docker File
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
mongodb, docker
Docker Setup on Mac behind Corp Proxy
Jason Solis
0 responses
mac, proxy, docker
Mcollective mco Cheat Sheet
Jason Ashby
0 responses
puppet, devops, mcollective, mco
Create a MongoDB Docker Container
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
mongodb, docker
ansible list groups host belongs to in template module
Ramez Hanna
2 responses
template, jinja2, ansible, sensu
A quick hack to set the timezone for a Vagrant VM in Ubuntu
Gavin M. Roy
1 response
vagrant, timezone
Vagrant: Apache/nginx serving outdated static files? Turn off sendfile()!
Pierre Groth
4 responses
apache, nginx, vagrant, sendfile
Vagrant shared folder permissions with VirtualBox
Steffan Harries
1 response
permissions, virtualbox, vagrant, folder
Lightweight dev environment with fig & boot2docker on OSX
Martin Naumann
7 responses
osx, martin-n, fig, boot2docker
Install plugins on elasticsearch with docker-compose
Pulkit Singhal
1 response
elasticsearch, plugin, docker
Install node on ubuntu using ansible
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
node, ubuntu, ansible