Popular Devops Programming Tips
Remove all docker images, containers
Lam Dang Tung
0 responses
bash, docker
Connect to postgres running inside boot2docker
Lorin Hochstein
0 responses
postgres, boot2docker, docker
boot2docker auto export ip
0 responses
development, ip, boot2docker, docker
Remove all files in current directory other than x day
James Duncombe
0 responses
sysadmin, shell
Expose Docker's TCP ports on systemd-based distributions
Allan Espinosa
0 responses
docker, systemd
Checking daylight saving time ...
Guilherme Elias
0 responses
devops, linux
Remove all untagged docker images
0 responses
grep, xargs, bash, cut
How to provision a cluster on day 1
0 responses
Vagrant plugin update *
Simon Waibl
0 responses
Provisioning with Vagrant & Puppet
Jeroen Rosenberg
0 responses
puppet, vagrant, devops, provisioning
To easily run ansible playbook on AWS/EC2
Skate Hunbash
0 responses
ec2, aws, ansible
docker tips
0 responses
Delete all stopped containers
Mohit Sethi
0 responses
Update dependencies when using Docker for Gobuffalo
Julius Francisco
0 responses
go, docker, buffalo
Shell alias for getting the ip address of a docker container easily
Ganeshwara Herawan Hananda Putra
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh, docker
Remove that scary bovine
Michel Blanc
1 response
Reliably Remove Docker Images
Damon Oehlman
0 responses
cleanup, docker
ruby dev machine config example for mac/docker-machine/coreos
Pavel Argentov
0 responses
docker, docker-machine, coreos
Start NATS server in Docker
Jeff Li
0 responses
docker, nats
Docker image creation tip
Miguel Quintero
3 responses
image, docker
After editing, Upstart is not reloading your .conf?
Niels Hoffmann
0 responses
devops, upstart