Popular Dev Ops Programming Tips
Deploy AngularJS-Apps to Azure WebSites with Codeship
Dirk Eisenberg
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Quick chef tip - How to debug
Pierre Ozoux
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shell, chef, devops
Vagrant - Virtualization for Web Developers
Juho Vepsäläinen
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web development, vagrant, virtualization
No-pain web development: easier configuration and deployment = more features
Frank Rousseau
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nodejs, vagrant, deployment, quickstart
Minimal Vagrantfile for web applications
Luc Bézier
2 responses
drupal, joomla, virtual machine, vagrant
OSX security basics
Carlos Sanz García
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osx, sysadmin, root, security basics
Preventing accidental system halts and reboots
Bayard Randel
0 responses
linux, devops, debian
Vagrant error: "private method `system' called"
Chris Burgess
0 responses
vagrant, error
Quick http code counts from all nginx servers
Brian Coca
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nginx, awk, ansible
Easy Configuration of Docker on OSX
Azri Jamil
0 responses
osx, tools, simple, container
Stop and Remove all docker containers and images.
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linux, docker
run drone with rancher os and GOGS
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docker, gogs, drone.io, rancheros
SysAdmin tip
Guilherme Elias
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linux, aws, devops, sysadm
Defragment all virtual disk images using VMWare
Attila Györffy
0 responses
vagrant, vmware
base box from a vagrant box
Benjamin Knofe
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virtualbox, vagrant, package, base box
Docker needs privileges sometimes
Murphy Randle
0 responses
privileges, gotcha, docker
Setup your PHP-Environment in no time
0 responses
php, puppet, vagrant
Trying to reverse ingeniering a snowflake?
Santiago Gil
0 responses
puppet, chef, sysadmin, devops
Docking your services with Docker
Haggai Philip Zagury
0 responses
vagrant, lxc, docker, containers
Share with all that doesn't test their code
Cristiano Diniz da Silva
0 responses
php, test, fun, qa
Debugging Ansible
Jorge Dias
0 responses
debugging, ansible