Popular Coffee Script Programming Tips
Writing conditional callbacks in a linear fashion in JS
Richard Lyon
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nodejs, node, javascript, coffeescript
Facebook Javascript SDK with CoffeeScript
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ruby, haml, heroku, nodejs
Easy command line parsing with Node.js
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node, command line, cli, javascript
Tracking page views with Google Analytics and Backbone
Sam Saccone
1 response
coffeescript, backbone.js, google analytics, backbone.marionette
Instance method callback in CoffeeScript
Leif Ringstad
3 responses
coffeescript, callback, instance method
Sentence case filter for AngularJS.
Benjamin Charity
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coffeescript, filter, javascript, angularjs
AngularJS Linkify Filter
Louis Sivillo
1 response
regex, angularjs, filters, coffeescript
How promises mad my day
Christian Maniewski
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q, promises, coffeescript, nodejs
Use Handlebars.js with Backbone.js
Luke van der Hoeven
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coffeescript, backbone, handlebars, rendering
JavaScript/CoffeeScript binding techniques for different environments
Pavel Pravosud
5 responses
underscore, bind, coffeescript, javascript
Rivets - Python asset management system
Will McKenzie
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coffeescript, python, css, scss
Cleaning up meteor.js template related code
2 responses
coffeescript, underscore, meteor.js
Titanium CLI + Alloy + Coffeescript
Julio Betta
3 responses
alloy, mobile, appcelerator, titanium
Emacs: Semi-automatic alignment of symbol: value pairs in Ruby and CoffeeScript
David Leal
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ruby, emacs, coffeescript, alignment
Basic Computed Properties in Backbone
Nickolay Schwarz
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frontend frameworks, coffeescript, backbone.js
Fast mock up web frontends with HAML/Coffee/Sass/Less bundle
Nick Kugaevsky
1 response
ruby, css, haml, html
Run your service forever (and more)
Christian Sturm
1 response
nodejs, workflow, deployment, coffeescript
Spying on require with jasmine
Cédric Néhémie
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coffeescript, javascript, nodejs, jasmine
coffee script chrome extension
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coffeescript, console, chrome extension
How to trick instanceof
Mark Roseboom
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coffeescript, javascript, jasmine
Iterate over object properties
Peter Peterson
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CoffeeScript mixins in Backbone
Jack Hsu
1 response
backbone, coffeescript
Why use CoffeeScript?
Dominic Barker
10 responses
ruby, coffeescript, javascript, jasmine
Easy sandboxing sinon in mocha
Christopher Garvis
0 responses
coffeescript, sinon, mocha, nodejs
Grunt configuration with Node.JS, Forever, Less CSS, CoffeeScript
0 responses
coffee, grunt, yeoman, nodejs